Help more patients receive the care and personal attention they deserve with Agilix.

Our services connects patients to RDs throughout the course of their condition so you can make real-time adjustments to their care plans and maximize positive outcomes.

Our integrated platform provides you with up-to-date data so you can give the most informed and evidence-based guidance, as well as seamless coordination with clinicans for a successful course of treatment.

How it Works

  • By providing optimized care between treatments.
  • Monitoring patients between visits requires technology, time, and extra hands – things not all providers have at their disposal.
  • Our advanced, easy-to-implement digital platform integrates seamlessly into your practice, giving you extra visibility and data about patients.
  • With Agilix, you can optimize care, maximize treatment efficiency, and improve clinical outcomes – without taking more resources or time.
  • By using remote patient monitoring with ongoing nutrition and supportive, whole-person care interventions by our Registered Dietitians, we proactively monitor your patients for you – alerting you of emergent issues so you can provide timely interventions that improve both costs and outcomes.