
  • Newly diagnosed patients and survivors, as well as their clinicians, have a dizzying array of information to digest throughout the care journey. Too often, it is difficult to prioritize nutrition as a primary factor impacting patients’ clinical outcomes.
  • Cancer conditions Malignant Neoplasm and Leukemia, Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma are top drivers of high-cost claims. These two cancer categories make up 29% of total claim reimbursements over the past four years, inclusive of both medical and drug spend.
  • The Agilix program provides one-on-one nutritional care, administered by Registered Dietitians and based on guidelines shown to improve outcomes, in combination with remote patient monitoring to provide care teams access to critical insights into their patients.

1.5 million

new patients diagnosed in the US each year


in reimbursements for malignant neoplasm during 2022

3x increase

in hospitalization for malnourished cancer patients

50-80% +

cancer patients are malnourished, yet only a fraction receive a timely diagnosis

“Thank you, nutrition counseling has been very very helpful. I appreciate you so much. This has been a godsend for me. I appreciate what you have done for me and our conversations”